IT Admin

That’s me. I am now looking after a nice little network and getting my head around a couple of new servers and some solutions that I haven’t worked with before. As the position is new there is not a lot of pressure, just a big backlog to work through. They have even asked me to fly down to one of our other offices to “advise” on their new network and say “Hi” to the folks. I will be doing this exactly 1 week after I started. How good is that?

The people I am working with are all very nice and I have to say that I am really enjoying it. There is a good atmosphere in the office. I am a little bamboozled by how many tasks I have on my “to do” list but as most are at the stage of “do when I get to it” its great, very little pressure.

I know that I am writing this after only my second day and therefore I’m still in the honeymoon period, but hey let me enjoy it 😉

Oh and the outsourced IT guy that looked after the servers that was in today to do a brain dump to me was impressed that I was running the excellent Dapper Drake (Ubuntu/Gnome/Debian/Linux) on my recycled (Thanks Sharon) laptop at home. So my little geeky side even got a smile today.